"Through observing children at play, we recognise what their worries, concerns, and fantasies are.We learn about their basic needs, their feelings of love and anger, their rivalries and fears of failure, their secret wishes and desires."Dorothy and Jerome Singer (American Psychologists)
For children play is real work. So much so that the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights has declared it a fundamental right of every child. Let us think of play as a child’s very own Super Power.
When play is left to the child to lead and is not structured or regulated by adults it hold unlimited benefits to a child. This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation across the world. Sadly children today are losing their natural ability for spontaneous play and the consequences are profound.
Play nurtures relationships with oneself and others, relieves stress and increases happiness. It builds empathy, creativity and collaboration and supports courage and determination. When children are deprived of opportunities for play their development can be significantly impaired.
While with their friends and alone is important, playing with an adult provides varied play where children and adults have a chance to learn from each other. Children crave interaction with their primary caregiver, this is the person they trust the most and look up to with awe. Many adults do not know how to support play and through our Play@Home programme we are trying to change this.
Very special memories are created in these moments and the bond between you grows immeasurably as you engage in one of the most basic and FUNdamental human rights. To read more see our July newsletter
